Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Soccer Star

          Well, soccer is an amazing sport that is very well known everywhere throughout the entire world! It is a physical sport and you have to be in very good shape to be able to run up and down the field. This sport is played with two fourty-five minute halves including half time for about ten minutes and a one minute water break at the twenty-two minute mark. Soccer is a chance for you to stay healthy, stay in shape, and have a good time with your friends and teamamates while playing a fun game of soccer.
          To me, soccer is a place where I can let my anger out on the other team but in a legal way. I honestly think that everyone should try and play soccer at least one time in their life! Soccer is the type of sport where you have to have all the correct equipement in order to play. You and your teammates have to be wearing the same uniform besides your goalie. You will need shin guards and cleats also.
          There are some rules in soccer you have to follow. The main ones are offsides, free kicks, penalty kicks, corner kicks, throw ins, no fouling, no cursing, and no slide tackling with studs up. It's a pretty amazing game once you get the hang of it and get good ball skills. In the past, soccer was played with this weird looking ball that was really hard. I bet that hurt whenever they got smacked in the face by it. Now a days, some of the balls are padded behing the stitching.
          Soccer cleats...there are a lot of different brands and colors you can choose from. Right now, I have these bright blue ones and they are addidas i believe, But I need new ones so I plan on getting these bright pink nikes! They look tight :) And for the shin guards, you have to have the NCAA approved ones and they have to be made for your size. For example, my shin guards are made for people height five feet to five feet five innches and on top of that....they are pink!
          Soccer isn't everyones sport. So if it's not what you like nor want to do, don't settle for it; tryout for another sport like volleyball or basketball or something you're really good at and want to play and maybe become professional one day and play in college on a scholarship for that sport. Don't be afraid to try new things.


  1. alright before i moved down here i hated soccer. like HATED it! but then i became friends with people and dated guys who played so i started messin around with it. truthfully i think i suck at it but its fun and funny. i didnt know you couldnt slide tackle.. see that to me would be fun and i do it when we mess around. but yet again im not good at the sport ha. well im realy glad you can take your anger out on that legaly. i wouldnt be able to i curse alot and if someone pushed me i certainly would push back. but you realy loved the sport and it made me change my mind about it. thanks :]

  2. Most people think they suck but that's because they haven't really learned how to play the game. And you're allowed to slide tackle as long as you get the ball and it's not dangerous like studs up. I slide tackle everygame and come home with about two or three rqasberrys on my thighs. It intense but i love the sport! Im sure you will be good if you dedicate your self to the game. But i know basketball is what you love and what your good at! :)
