Thursday, April 21, 2011

Reflection (:

                Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! This will unfortunately be my last post, so I am just going to lay it all out on the table. For the past couple of months, we have learned how to make blogs, upload pictures, videos, and music. And for the past couple of months, my topic was on soccer. Well, now it is time to wrap it all up.
                What I learned from blogging is that it lets you express yourself. Blogging is a high tech way of saying how you feel or showing how you feel or updates about something new or interesting. Soccer, on the other hand, what I learned from that is that not every single player gets paid the same amount of money as someone else. It all just depends on what contract you sign to and how much you agree to and how good you are and how much playing time you get in the game.
photo                Soccer isn’t as easy as you think it is. Take my friend Rachel as an example. She knows firsthand that soccer is not easy to pick up. She wants me to train her and it was the funniest thing in the world! First, we ran around the block for a light warm up after stretching and she died! Then, we did some Paley’s and she kept missing the ball. Then, when we tried to chesters and headers, she would always move out of the way or catch them. So we didn’t even get passed the first part. So if you really think soccer is easy, don’t say it until you have tried it yourself for real. It is a lot harder than you expect.
                The most difficult aspects about soccer is having to deal with all the running if you are not in shape or the running type and all the injuries if you do not stretch your muscles correctly,  and also any drama you may encounter with your friends. Basically, if you want a good strong team, what’s off the field stays off the field. Once you step foot onto the field, you’re all a team who cooperate with each other; save the fights for another time.
                The most rewarding lessons are staying in shape and being fit. You also get to have fun with your friends, playing an amazing game of soccer, and even relieving some stress!
                Me…I have been playing soccer since I was four years old. My dad has been my coach for most of my life. I guess that’s kind of an advantage because he is an amazing coach and if you change coaches often, they have different strategies so you won’t be able to stick to one thing, it’ll be all scattered.

    Friday, April 8, 2011


                    Never fully commit yourself to a guy until you know they are ready to just be in love with you. If you fight every day and argue about who your friends are, it’s not going to work out. The main thing about a relationship is trust! If you have no trust than you basically have nothing. You have to truth that your partner will be faithful and not lie. Relationships are all about honesty, respect, love, passion, communication, friendship, and understanding.
    photo                If you’re the type of girl that falls in love easy, make sure you’re friends have your back the whole time.  Play hard to get because if you’re easy, then they’ll only go after one thing…sex. Make sure you commit your self to the one you love before giving up your virginity. Don’t be one of those whores and sleep around just to get noticed. If you’re second guessing yourself about the guy you’re with, take a reality check! Ask your family and friends if this guy is good for you, if he treats you right, and if you’re happy or yourself whenever you’re around him. Get others people opinion before ending something you never truly wanted to end.
                    If you do end up falling for a guy who just stabs you in the back, don’t lie around your house dwelling in it, get up and act like it never happened. Show him that it didn’t hurt you like he thought it would. Make sure you stay distracted so you don’t think about how much it really truly hurts you. Write out your feelings but for your eyes only. Eventually, get up the nerve to try and talk it over with him and forgive him. But just because you forgive him, don’t mean he’s off the hook or that you’re just going to take him back; make his suffer, make him feel the pain that you felt when he broke your heart.

    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    What's the difference between soccer and american football?

    Soccer and American football both originated in the mid-19th century. Because football was modeled after soccer and rugby, the two games had many similarities. Today, however, the two are different in just about every way.
                    Soccer fields are larger than football fields. Soccer fields are typically 120 yards long and 70 yards wide. Soccer players have much more ground to cover. Football fields are 100 yards long and 160 feet wide, with one 10-yard end zone at each end.
                   One of the biggest differences between soccer and football is physical contact. The most obvious difference between these two sports is the balls they use during a game. A soccer ball is perfectly rounded, whereas a football is more spherical. Soccer is played with your feet rather than football; you play with your hands. Soccer players wear cleats and shin guards, whereas football players wear cleats, helmets, shoulder pads, thigh pads, knee pads and sometimes rib pads.
                    Another difference is the flow of the game. Soccer is played continuously with few pauses in the action. During a football game, the game stops between every play. Soccer games are played over a first and second half, whereas football is played over four quarters.
                    In soccer, there is a goal at each end of the field that's 24 feet wide and 8 feet tall. A goal is scored when a player kicks the ball past the goaltender and into the goal. Each goal is worth one point. In football, there is a 10-yard-deep end zone at each end of the field. The offense must get the ball into the end zone to score. Each score, or touchdown, is worth six points.
    During football games, there is an offense that faces the opposing team's defense. There are 11 players on the field at a time on offense and on defense. In soccer, there are also 11 players from each team on the field at the same time, but the offense and defense for both teams is on the field all the time.

    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    Interview with Alekzander Zahorak :)

    Hello! :) I am doing a blog about soccer and I need to ask you some question pertaining it.
    1. Do you like soccer? Why or why not?
    - Yes, because I can be myself and just have fun
    2. What infulenced you to play?
    - My mom and my friends
    3. How long have you been playing for?
    - About fourteen years now
    4. What is your favorite thing about playing the game?
    - Being with my friends
    5. Do you have any future aspirations with soccer?
    -Yes, going professional
    6. Who inspired you to play?
    -Mia hamm
    7. Is soccer your favorite sport out of all the other sports?
    -Yes, because it is the only sport I am good at and it's what I love to do
    8. What do you do to prepare for the game?
    - Listen to music and think about what I can do to help my team out
    9. Do you eat healthy the night before a tournament?
    - Yes, I eat pasta and bananas
    10. Do you give it your all in every game?
    - Of course I do.
    11. If you are losing in a game, do you give up?
    - No, not at all; that's the worst thing to do
    12. What is the worst thing about playing soccer?
    - I would have to say injuries

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Soccer Star

              Well, soccer is an amazing sport that is very well known everywhere throughout the entire world! It is a physical sport and you have to be in very good shape to be able to run up and down the field. This sport is played with two fourty-five minute halves including half time for about ten minutes and a one minute water break at the twenty-two minute mark. Soccer is a chance for you to stay healthy, stay in shape, and have a good time with your friends and teamamates while playing a fun game of soccer.
              To me, soccer is a place where I can let my anger out on the other team but in a legal way. I honestly think that everyone should try and play soccer at least one time in their life! Soccer is the type of sport where you have to have all the correct equipement in order to play. You and your teammates have to be wearing the same uniform besides your goalie. You will need shin guards and cleats also.
              There are some rules in soccer you have to follow. The main ones are offsides, free kicks, penalty kicks, corner kicks, throw ins, no fouling, no cursing, and no slide tackling with studs up. It's a pretty amazing game once you get the hang of it and get good ball skills. In the past, soccer was played with this weird looking ball that was really hard. I bet that hurt whenever they got smacked in the face by it. Now a days, some of the balls are padded behing the stitching.
              Soccer cleats...there are a lot of different brands and colors you can choose from. Right now, I have these bright blue ones and they are addidas i believe, But I need new ones so I plan on getting these bright pink nikes! They look tight :) And for the shin guards, you have to have the NCAA approved ones and they have to be made for your size. For example, my shin guards are made for people height five feet to five feet five innches and on top of that....they are pink!
              Soccer isn't everyones sport. So if it's not what you like nor want to do, don't settle for it; tryout for another sport like volleyball or basketball or something you're really good at and want to play and maybe become professional one day and play in college on a scholarship for that sport. Don't be afraid to try new things.

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    Real Madrid :)

    Founded in 1897 Real Madrid is one of the most successful European football (soccer) teams. With 31 la liga titles and 17 copa Del ray titles, as well as 9 European cups to their name. In 1897 Real Madrid started out as a sports group called Club Sky; it was the direct precedent of what is Madrid football club today.  And by March 6th 1907 Juan Padros was elected president of Madrid football, this was only the beginning to Madrid.

    By May of 1907 the roster was full and the team had been training for two months, preparing themselves for there first big game against Barcelona ( which to this day is there biggest rival) The first Madrid-Barcelona  was in, the semifinals of the 1st Spanish Championship. This was the first clash between the two teams. Sadly Barcelona won 3-1 thanks to the six foreigners they had lined up.  The team took many beatings before finally creating their’ glory. And in 1905 they won their first championship title, the copa Del rey. They went on to win that title three more times. From this success more and more great players came to join the team. As time flew by the teams success climbed.

     Real Madrid has had many legends, from the great Ciriaco Suinaga, to David Beckham, and most recently Cristiano Ronaldo. As you can see over the existence of the club, it has seen many championship titles and cups. Not to mention they’re the only team to win the European cup 5 times in a row. There aren’t many teams that can even dream of this clubs success and hopefully this club has more legends to bring. You never know every body has got a shot, so as the years go by, hopefully we will witness another club like Real Madrid rise.


      Friday, February 25, 2011

      Things you need to know...

      Some simple basic rules:
      ·         A match is played in two 45 minute halves, by two teams of eleven players each. The game begins with the toss of a coin, and the winning captain decides which goal to defend or to take the first kick off.
      ·         All players must use their feet head or chest to play the ball. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to use their hands, and only within their designated goal area. The aim of the game is to score a goal, which is achieved by kicking or heading the ball into the opposition team's goal
      ·         If the ball touches or crosses the side line, it is thrown back in by the team that was not the last to touch the ball.
      ·         The game is controlled by a central referee, and two linesmen. They award free kicks and penalties when rules are broken. For continual breaking of rules or for a bad foul, the player may be sent off.
      Common nutrition issues:
      ·         Soccer requires a combination of speed, agility along with strength. High carbohydrate levels are required for the high aerobic workload of training and competition. Low body fat levels are an advantage to assist with speed and agility. Hydration is also a concern for players given the game format doesn't allow for regular player changes, or on field drinks.
      Physical Fitness:
      ·         Physical fitness is one of the most important aspects of soccer performance. A skillful player will go a long way in the sport, but without the fitness part of their game they will not be the complete player.
      ·         Aerobic endurance fitness is one of the most important physical fitness attributes for soccer players. Players need to be able to maintain a high level of intensity throughout the 90 minute game. Another very important fitness component is anaerobic fitness, which means running speed and particularly repeat sprint ability. Players also need good agility, strength, power and flexibility.